Guide on Mobile App Development Process

What is a mobile application? It's our tool for communication, entertainment, shopping, financial management, and much more, all in the palm of your hand, on a mobile device.

However, the mobile app development process is complex, requiring planning, understanding user needs, and technical knowledge.

In this article, we, the specialists at, will delve into the key app development stages: conceptualization and planning, design and prototyping, software development and testing, publication and distribution.

Are you ready to embark on a journey into the world of mobile app development? Let's not waste any time.

How to build a mobile app that users will love

How are mobile apps developed? Thorough planning, research, and a creative approach from each team member are the three pillars that lead to success.

On this path, the first step is gaining a deep understanding of the needs and problems of potential users. How can this be achieved?

  • Competitor Analysis. 

Study existing applications on the market to understand their strengths and weaknesses. This helps identify a niche where your application can offer something new and valuable.

  • User Research. 

Conduct interviews, surveys, and focus groups to gather direct information about the challenges people face and their expectations from mobile applications.

  • Trend Monitoring. 

Stay informed about the latest trends in mobile technologies, user behavior, and market demands to ensure your application meets current requirements.

The second step is idea generation. At this stage, it's important to assemble a team with diverse experiences and perspectives to ensure creativity knows no bounds. Fear of stepping outside conventional norms and proposing bold ideas can lead to failure. We recommend using various brainstorming techniques such as “six thinking hats,” “focal objects,” “SCAMPER”, and others. You will definitely pinpoint several intriguing ideas.

From needs to product: Is the role of strategy overestimated?

Market research and unique ideas are undoubtedly crucial. However, strategy reigns supreme. We've already emphasized the importance of meticulous planning; now let's discuss this further.

A strategic plan serves as a roadmap guiding the development team from initial concept to a finished product that meets user needs and achieves set goals.

Why is strategic planning important?

Clear vision of the goals for the mobile application, ensuring alignment of team actions.

Rational use of time, budget, and other resources.

Highlighting unique advantages compared to competitors.

For successful mobile app development, it's essential to understand the key components of the strategy.

  1. Setting goals
    Clearly defined and measurable goals are the foundation of any mobile application's success. They help make informed decisions and assess progress. It's best if they follow the SMART principle: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound.
  2. Targeting the audience
    Conduct detailed research and clearly describe your target audience (TA):
    • Needs

    • Expectations

    • Behavior​

    This understanding will guide product development direction and feature prioritization.
  3. Platform selection
    Decide on which mobile platforms (Android, iOS, Windows Phone) your app will be available. Insights from the previous point about your TA are crucial here. Consider the most popular platforms among your audience and the technical resources available to your team.
  4. Feature definition

Create a list of features that your mobile app will offer users. Focus on key features needed by your TA and avoid overloading with unnecessary functionalities.

Important! A strategic plan is a dynamic document that should be regularly updated and adapted to changing market conditions, user needs, and new technologies.

Designing Customer-Oriented Design

94% of first impressions are related to design, making user-friendliness critical. In this context, prioritize a pleasant User Experience (UX) and visually appealing User Interface (UI).

UX design

UI design

Focuses on the needs, behaviors, and emotions of users during their interaction with your app. 

During this stage, research, analytical work, and testing are conducted to clearly outline user goals, pain points, and expectations.

Responsible for the visual component of the product, making it aesthetically appealing and intuitively understandable.

 This stage includes the development of elements such as typography, color scheme, icons, graphic elements, and overall interface structure.

Internal mechanics of convenient application visualization

Frameworks, layouts, and prototypes are indispensable tools in the design process. Their use allows:

  • Focus on user needs.

  • Improve communication between designers, developers, and app project stakeholders.

Moreover, testing these tools reveals UX/UI errors in the early stages of the application development process, when they are easy to correct.


These are simplified visual diagrams demonstrating the structure and layout of the interface without visual details.

With them, you can:

  • define interaction logic;

  • clearly delineate functional areas.


Source: Medium



Source: Moqups

These are more detailed visual representations of the interface, where colors, fonts, and basic visual elements are added. Layouts provide an idea of:

  • general aesthetic direction;

  • visual hierarchy.


These are interactive interface models that allow users to simulate interaction with the product.

Moreover, prototype testing identifies UX/UI errors in the early stages of development when they are still easily correctable. This saves resources and development time.


Paper prototyping

Source: Just in Mind


High-fidelity prototyping

Source: Michaela Ganezer

You see, the design stage cannot be underestimated. By focusing on UX/UI and using frameworks, layouts, and prototypes, you can truly develop a mobile application that is not only convenient and functional but also aesthetically appealing and enjoyable to use.

Full mobile app development process

A successful app is built on a strong foundation laid in the early stages of app development and goes through clearly defined phases before becoming available to users. Let's discuss the stages.

Stage 1: Ideation and planning

We've already touched on this before. Let's briefly revisit the steps to develop an app:

  1. Define the purpose and value proposition of creating the mobile application and its target audience (TA).

  2. Conduct market research and analyze competitors, as well as the needs and expectations of app users.

  3. Create a roadmap and project plan that defines key app development steps, task allocation, establishes timelines, and budgets.

Stage 2: Design and development

This stage is more practical and is essentially the skeleton in the lifecycle of mobile app development, upon which everything hinges.

  1. UX/UI design
    A UI/UX prototype is created using various tools and methods such as sketches, multimedia prototypes, and interactive prototypes. Next, work is done on visual design: color schemes, fonts, icons, graphic elements, and overall style. It's important for the design to not only be visually appealing but also intuitive for users. 
    Finally, the information architecture is built, which involves structuring the content and navigation of the mobile application so that app users can easily find what they need.
  2. Front-end development
    Work begins with selecting a framework and programming language that aligns with the chosen platforms (Android, iOS) and app design. Popular technologies include:
    1. React Native.
    2. Flutter. 
    3. Swift (iOS).
    4. Kotlin (Android).
      Following this, code is written to create the mobile app interface based on prototypes and design, and integration with APIs is done to access data and ensure app functionality.
  3. Back-end development
    Creating the server-side of the mobile application requires careful selection of technology stacks that meet your needs.


    Programming languages


    • Node.js (Express, Koa)

    • Python (Django, Flask)

    • Java (Spring Boot)

    • PHP (Laravel)

    • JavaScript (Node.js)

    • Python

    • Java

    • PHP

    • Relational databases (MySQL, PostgreSQL)

    • Non-relational databases (MongoDB, Cassandra)

    Frameworks provide structure and tools for rapid and efficient development of server-side logic. The choice of programming language depends on the framework and personal preferences, while databases depend on the nature of data and traffic volume.Furthermore, developers seek scalability options to ensure the mobile application can handle a large number of app users. Cloud services such as Amazon Web Services (AWS) or Google Cloud Platform (GCP) can assist in achieving this.
  4. Integration

At this stage, the front-end and back-end of the mobile application are combined, integrating the user interface with the server-side components, as well as integrating with third-party APIs and services.

Choosing the appropriate approach to the mobile app development process

The best approach to developing a mobile application depends on three factors: your needs, goals, and budget. There are three main approaches: native, hybrid, and web app development.

Technologies used



Native Mobile Development

Swift for iOS, Kotlin for Android

  • High performance.

  • Optimized user experience.

  • Deep platform integration.

  • Higher development costs due to the need for separate development teams with experience in respective platforms. 

  • Longer development time.

Hybrid Mobile Development

React Native, Ionic

  • Cross-platform development.

  •  Reduced cost. 

  • Fast development time.

  • Slightly slower performance due to an additional abstraction layer between the code and the platform. 

  • Possible compatibility issues.

Web App Development

HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript

  • Universal accessibility. 

  • Cost-effectiveness.

  •  Ease of maintenance, as the code is hosted on a web server.

  • Potential interface capability limitations. 

  • Often requires constant internet connection.

Development tools and environments

Choosing the right development tools and environments is a crucial component of successfully creating a mobile application. Different types(native app, hybrid app, web app) require the use of specific tools and technologies.

Development tools

Development environments

Native Mobile Development

  • Swift (iOS): Apple Xcode

  • Kotlin (Android): Android Studio

  • Java (Android): Android Studio

  • C++ (Android): Android Studio з NDK

  • Apple Xcode

  • Android Studio

Hybrid Mobile Development

  • React Native: JavaScript, HTML, CSS

  • Ionic: JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Angular, React, Vue.js

  • Flutter: Dart

  • Visual Studio Code

  • WebStorm

  • Android Studio

Web App Development

  • HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript

  • Frameworks: React, Angular, Vue.js

  • Visual Studio Code

  • WebStorm

  • Browsers with built-in developer tools

Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) offer a comprehensive set of tools for writing code, testing, debugging, and deploying mobile applications. They can significantly streamline the application development process and enhance productivity.

Popular IDEs for mobile applications include Apple Xcode (the official IDE for iOS apps), Android Studio (the official IDE for Android apps), Visual Studio Code, and WebStorm (an IDE from JetBrains with advanced capabilities for developing JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and frameworks).

Stage 3.  Comprehensive QA Testing

A comprehensive testing approach at all stages of development ensures the creation of a high-quality mobile application that meets the expectations of your audience.

Type of testing


Functional testing

Verification of compliance of the mobile application with all requirements and specifications. Includes testing of app features, usage scenarios, and edge cases.

App performance testing

Evaluation of app performance, stability, and scalability, specifically: load testing and stress testing.

Security testing

Identification of vulnerabilities in the mobile application security system through penetration testing, resilience to DDoS attacks, and compliance with security requirements.

Usability testing

Assessment of app usability. Involves A/B testing and user testing.

To ensure the mobile application meets high quality standards and user expectations, QA testing is essential. Additionally, we recommend implementing CI/CD (Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery), which automates the processes of development, testing, and deployment of the application.

CI/CD allows for automatic deployment of new features and bug fixes, making the application development process more flexible and cost-effective. It also ensures that all development teams are working with the same code version, thus avoiding conflicts and issues. Moreover, every time changes are made to the code, they are automatically tested, enabling quick identification and resolution of errors.

Stage 4: Deployment and Release

This stage is dedicated to launching your mobile application into the world. It encompasses a series of important steps to creating an app that are necessary to ensure a successful launch.

Step 1: Beta Testing

Utilizing a beta version of the mobile application with a limited number of users is a smart and efficient way to ensure that your product meets user expectations and is ready for market release.

 Use a beta testing platform to invite users and manage the verification process. The gathered data will serve as red flags for refining the application.

Step 2: Submission to App Stores

First, create a developer account on the Apple App Store and Google Play (if you haven't already). Upload your mobile application and all necessary information to the app store.

 Go through the review process to obtain approval for app publication.

Step 3: Preparation for Launch and Promotion

Creating a high-quality mobile application is only half the battle. To stand out among competitors and win over users, a comprehensive marketing strategy is essential. Let's explore popular ways to promote a mobile application.

  1. Social Media Marketing
    Publish engaging and useful content on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, LinkedIn that is related to your mobile application. This includes writing feature descriptions, video reviews, tips, and hints, as well as interesting facts.
    Engaging with your audience by responding to comments and messages, running contests, or giveaways is beneficial.
    Paid advertising is another promotion option targeted at your target audience based on their interests, demographics, behavior, and more.
  2. Content Marketing
    You can publish articles, guides, and other useful materials on your own website or third-party resources. Ensure that you optimize the content for search engines so that potential users can easily find it.
    Additionally, we recommend creating infographics and videos, participating in industry events and conferences to showcase your application and establish connections with potential partners and clients.
  3. Partnership

Collaborating with other companies is a great way to expand the capabilities of your mobile application and reach a new audience. Look for partners who offer complementary products or services that are useful to users.

  • For example, if you are building your app for fitness, partnering with a sportswear manufacturing company or a meal planning service would be relevant.

Integrating your application with other platforms and services also helps in reaching a broader audience. 

  • For instance, you can integrate it with a user's calendar for easier event scheduling related to your services, or with a payment platform to enable users to pay for your products or services.

Finally, consider sponsoring events or charitable organizations to increase brand awareness and improve your company's image. This way, you demonstrate social responsibility and attract new users who share your values.

Stage 5. Support and Update Your App

Launching your mobile application is just the beginning. You also need to constantly update and improve your app to keep it relevant and meet the users' needs.

What are your actions at this stage?

  1. Identifying and fixing bugs that arise after the release, as well as releasing updates with new features and enhancements.

  2. Providing technical support to users experiencing issues with the mobile application and responding to their inquiries.

  3. Continuously improving the mobile application based on user feedback, market trends, and new technologies.

Therefore, the lifecycle of mobile app development is not linear. Some stages may be iterative, while others may require repetition.

Bring your idea to life: build an app with

Dreaming of your own mobile application but lacking programming skills? With our platform, you can create an app without writing a single line of code.

What makes us special? The interface is intuitive even for beginners. With convenient templates and tools, you can create an app in a matter of minutes. We assist with scalability and provide round-the-clock support.

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Personal use

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How much does mobile application development cost?

The cost of developing mobile applications varies and depends on several factors. Simple apps range from $10,000 to $60,000, while complex apps can reach up to $200,000. The location of the development team also plays a role, with rates typically higher in countries like the USA compared to others.

How long does it take to develop a new app?

Please note that the more features you want the application to encompass, the longer it will take to develop. Collaborating with a mobile app development company like significantly speeds up development compared to traditional coding. If you're unsure about the complexity of your mobile app idea, discuss it with our experienced developers.

The development time for a mobile app varies based on its complexity:
  • Simple apps (to-do lists, basic games): 1 to 3 months.
  • Medium complexity apps (fitness trackers, social media clones): 4 to 7 months.
  • Complex apps (e-commerce platforms, banking apps): 7 months to over a year. Note that the more features you want the app to have, the longer it takes to develop.
How to choose the right development partner for your app?

The best partner for developing your mobile application is someone who understands your needs, has relevant experience, and can offer quality work at a competitive price. When choosing a developer, review their previous work to assess their style and skills, and read reviews from other clients about their work.

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