Mobile App Testing Services

Your digital product is the face of the brand. Make it the best quality on the market in order to maximize the audience's favor. With a mobile app testing company Lampa and a team of testing experts, this process will be completed on time and at the highest level!


Types Of Testing That Lampa Performs For Mobile Apps

We provide our clients with every kind of mobile app testing service their digital product needs. When you work with us, you get the best quality on the market and access to comprehensive services for your IT solutions, regardless of their scale and complexity.


Functionality Testing

Lampa implements a full range of automation for checking the functional elements of your software. We examine every line of code in search of errors, detecting bugs in the mechanics of the application on time and sending them to the developers for fixing.


Compatibility Testing

With mobile application testing services from Lampa, you can be sure that all specifications will be met during the software creation process. We will test 100% of supported devices and ensure they are as compatible as possible with the app.


Performance Testing

Do you want your digital product to perform equally well on all supported devices? To do this, you need to test the solution on all target platforms, take performance metrics, and ensure that the app performs as well as possible.


Security Testing

Mobile software is more at risk than any other type of application. To keep your company and users safe from data theft at work, you need to implement strong security models, such as Castle and Moat or Zero Trust, enable encryption and delegate the verification of all this to Lampa experts.


Usability Testing

We focus on validating all possible use cases for your digital product to ensure it has the highest possible level of UX quality. With our service, your customers will be satisfied with the software and attract new consumers to your brand.


Integration Testing

Implementing payment systems and other third-party modules in a digital product? You need to debug their work with the software base, avoiding inconsistencies in information, communication channels, or data cells. Entrust us with these processes and get the best implementation of integrations without stretching development time.

Our cases

We know that you are interested in real examples of our work. That's why we prepared several detailed cases describing the QA process for digital products of our clients, who ordered services from the best mobile app testing service provider Lampa. 

Want to get Mobile App Testing that will ensure your software is of high quality?

Our Benefits As a Mobile Application Testing Company

Our services are less costly for our clients than our more well-known competitors while maintaining the quality of our QA processes.

Dedicated Team

We provide an individually selected team for the project, including a mobile application testing consultant in addition to QA wizards.

Great experience

Over 9 years on the market, more than 100 successful projects, and 12+ million users in applications developed and tested by our experts.

Trusted by brands

In addition to LetyShops, Axor, 4Seasons, 1+1, Unian, UNN, Chop-Chop, Firm, foreign companies, startups, and private entrepreneurs work with us.

Fully dedicated support

Support uptime – 24/7, 365 days a year. You can count on our experts to help you anytime and in any situation.

Holistic approach

We value a comprehensive approach to problem-solving, providing a full range of development services: consulting, application creation, QA, and design.


Quality services are expensive when a large staff is allocated to tasks. We make up for this with the skills of our experts, where each specialist can perform a range of processes.

Human Centricity

We look at a digital product from all angles: through the eyes of the developer, tester, consumer, and owner. This allows us to find and fix problems faster.

Attention to Details

You won't get a single complaint from customers after our QA services. With Lampa experts' meticulous attention to detail, not a single bug will make it to release.

Certified QA Engineers

In their spare time, our specialists improve their skills by studying new methods, tools, and techniques of QA.

Our Mobile App Testing Process

  • Step 1


  • Step 2

    Test design

  • Step 3


  • Step 4

    Test environment

  • Step 5

    Test execution

  • Step 6

    Defect tracking


We develop web applications for
  • Large Businesses
  • Medium Businesses
  • Small Businesses
  • Start-ups
First, we carefully study the software concept: key platforms, business logic, idea, future functionality, target audience, and competitive solutions. Based on the collected information, we prepare our own action plan, including creating a testing roadmap and planning its stages, tests, and frequency. We consider the wishes of customers collected from various sources.

Test design

We develop web applications for
  • Large Businesses
  • Medium Businesses
  • Small Businesses
  • Start-ups
When developing a roadmap, we focus primarily on the scale of the project, its specifications, functionality, and logic. Develop a plan, considering the project deadlines and the number of QA masters we can involve. We also consider the need to automate checks, their frequency, and depth. Adapt the work plan to the development stage and programmers' schedule.


We develop web applications for
  • Large Businesses
  • Medium Businesses
  • Small Businesses
  • Start-ups
When planning work on a project, we analyze its features and highlight key points that have a critical impact on the quality and performance of the product. Create test automation scenarios based on the needs of the project. If possible, we automate up to 90% of all tests, such as load, API, regression, UI, command or query results validation, etc.

Test environment

We develop web applications for
  • Large Businesses
  • Medium Businesses
  • Small Businesses
  • Start-ups
When deploying a test environment, we consider everything: the number of devices to install the app and their specifications (screen, power, memory, etc.). To maximize the coverage of the target hardware, we use cloud solutions where smartphones and tablets of various brands and specifications are emulated or physically connected. We optimize existing solutions to parallelize inspections and speed up the test process.

Test execution

We develop web applications for
  • Large Businesses
  • Medium Businesses
  • Small Businesses
  • Start-ups
We divide the team into experts responsible for a particular component and assign tasks for the current stage. Some tests are performed automatically. An engineer monitors their progress, while others are performed manually by QA specialists. After completing the tests, we verify their results with repeated checks and prepare documentation to pass the identified bugs to the programming team.

Defect tracking

We develop web applications for
  • Large Businesses
  • Medium Businesses
  • Small Businesses
  • Start-ups
Even if the programmers report a bug fix, we don't close it but retest it. We also include these tests in the regression and repeat several cycles to eliminate the chances of the problem migrating between iterations. This way, we can better test your digital product and eliminate all possible issues.

Automation Tools & Technologies We Use

Good service is only possible with high-quality tools. That's why our arsenal consists of advanced systems, complexes, and utilities, with the help of which we achieve 100% efficiency of QA processes.


A developer can design, test, and troubleshoot software using developer tools, sometimes known as 'development tools' or simply 'DevTools.'


It is HTTP interceptor which is used for debugging of software. It is open sourced debugging library.


An API framework for creating and utilizing APIs is called Postman. Each stage of the API lifetime is made simpler using Postman, which also makes cooperation and interactions easier.


A source code set of guidelines, requirements, and resources called Swagger is used to create and describe APIs. Developers can write accessible, machine- and human-readable API docs using the Swagger technology.


An HTTP debugging proxy server application written in Java is called Charles Web Debugging Proxy. The user can see HTTP, HTTPS, HTTP/2[3], and allowed TCP port data that is viewed from the local computer.


Figma is a cutting-edge design tool that simplifies and streamlines the programmer offloading procedure functionally with high quality.

Solutions for Industries We Have Expertise In

In 9 years on the market, we have thoroughly studied the peculiarities of all key industries and business areas. This is why we can provide your digital product with the highest quality QA service on the market.


Lampa Software offers services for developing ERP, CRM, CSM, HRM systems, and other corporate software to automate your business processes.


Want to launch a cool OTT platform? We'll create an app for you that allows your users to manage content anywhere, anytime.


To occupy a promising PetTech niche, you need quality software. Our digital solutions for pet owners will help promote your products and services.


Is your company taking its first steps in business? We're ready to support you in this! We'll release the MVP and tweak the product as soon as possible before its full-fledged release.


Your financial business has never been more secure! We offer convenient software for conducting transactions, storing funds, and investing without going to the bank.


Here is a software program that you can use to track your health and control your habits.


Working out without going to the gym? Easy! With digital products from Lampa, you can create a workout schedule, exercise online, and track your results.

Social network

Manage content, create publications, track user interactions – this and much more are available with Social Networks from Lampa Software.

Cashback service

Our Cashback Software allows you to build a loyalty program that retains existing customers and attracts new admirers to your brand.


We create for you the best photo editors, video processing and editing software, and other tools with functionality that is 100% relevant to your needs.


Manage your healthcare business with our CRM, ERP, and other clinic systems and specific software: EHR, EMR, etc.


Reliable software is indispensable for all online store owners. It allows you to manage inventory, process payments, fulfill orders and keep finances.


IT solutions for ticket and tour sales, transfer organization or hotel maintenance – we have everything you need to expand your customer network and increase your profits.


We can help you start your own business on the web! Transaction processing, user and database management, API integration – far from everything we can offer you.

Our Fundamentals For Success In Mobile App Testing Cooperation

Our choice is the comprehensiveness of QA and attention to detail.

Quality assurance tests and data security

Quality assurance of your app is our priority. We will complete the tasks on time.

Transparent Reporting

You can get a full report on our work through CI/CD complexes anytime.

Testing using the Business Continuity in Mind

We will perform the entire QA process without distracting you from your main work.

Business-friendly timing

We will adapt to your online presence and work without harming your business.

Co-operation with the development team

Our principle: a developer and a QA specialist are a team that solves a common problem.

Mobile App Testing Services We Provide

A mobile testing services company Lampa is a flagship of the QA market with 9 years of end-to-end mobile experience in testing. We provide all kinds of automated or manual testing services for mobile applications that are in demand in the market.


Mobile app automation testing

Lampa's mobile software testing services include full automation of tests. We write scripts, code scripts, deploy native environments and run iOS or Android software tests automatically, achieving 100% test coverage.


Mobile app manual testing

Although we position ourselves as a mobile automation software testing company, we also perform manual software testing. This is necessary to create scripts and their further execution automatically. In addition, we manually examine the code in detail in parallel with other types of QA.


Mobile app functional testing

Lampa's experienced team deploys functional and mobile testing services to ensure maximum coverage of all QA tasks in the project. Functionality QA processes help to identify critical errors in the early stages of development and to get rid of them promptly in the digital product.


Mobile app usability testing

In addition to mobile functionality testing services, we conduct functional and non-functional software testing from the end user's point of view. This helps to detect UX problems long before the MVP presentation to the audience. This way testing lab ensures quality mobile app performance and usability of the app.


Compatibility and Cross-device testing

Mobile automation testing company Lampa provides a full range of services. We perform cross-platform and cloud testing of different platforms using emulators, taking into account different types of mobile devices, as well as device-specific, such as screen size or screen resolutions. In addition, we run the cycle of mobile UI testing, ensuring mobile app quality.


Mobile app performance testing

The competence of mobile testing service provider Lampa also includes performance testing thanks to 9 years of expertise in mobile QA. We know all the bottlenecks of mobile digital products and concentrate on studying them, finding problems, and fixing them.


Mobile app localization testing

Mobile QA services are comprehensive work on bugs not only in the code but also in the visual components of the software. This also includes localization. If you want to implement a multi-lingual digital product – you need iPhone app testing or Android app testing for high-quality software translation before publishing it to app stores.


Mobile app cross-browser testing

Lampa's mobile application testing service allows you to test all software variations, including the browser version, before its release. Our app testers use advanced tools, such as Appium, to organize the testing of mobile applications in virtual environments that emulate real operating systems and configurations.


Connection quality

Most of today's apps are deployed in the cloud. This means that you will need testing for various domains, which is part of Lampa's mobile application testing services. The work of the domain, connectivity, and hosting – our tester thoroughly tests all this in parallel with other processes.



Our testing services ensure a comprehensive approach to QA. This means that Lampa experts test all app components during the development and deployment phases. During testing mobile, we examine not only the code but also the synchronous operation of external connections, ensuring maximum communication stability with the servers.

Frequently Asked Questions

The nature of our work often raises questions from customers. We have made a FAQ section where you will find the answers to common questions. If your interest goes beyond the published information – write to the Lampa manager.

How much do mobile app testing services cost?

The average project cost ranges from $15,000-$25,000, but this is an example. Usually, the price of the work is calculated individually, taking into account such factors as scale, complexity, and resources; usually, it is 15-20% of the total development price.

When to sign an NDA?

A nondisclosure agreement should be signed during the project discussion phase if confidentiality is important to you. This protects both parties from information leaks and helps build a trusting working relationship.

How quickly can you start?

Our experts will fully integrate into your project within a week of signing the cooperation agreement. This applies to all types of Lampa services and is not limited to QA but also includes digital product development.

What is the life cycle of web app testing?

The QA lifecycle is the period that includes the planning and design of a digital product, its release, and upgrades. The end of the lifecycle is the end of support for the application.

How can testing my app benefit me?

Your business depends on customers, their loyalty, quantity, and activity. Testing a digital solution helps rid it of 99.9% of technical, visual, and UX issues. This will improve the quality of the software and ensure its popularity.

How many testers should I hire to test my app?

It depends on the scale and deadline of the project. Usually, the team comprises QA Engineer, Team Lead, QA Testers, and a Project Manager. The number of representatives of each specialization varies depending on the team's needs.

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