Samsung TV App Development: Definition, Process and Costs

  • 8 min
  • Sep 11, 2023


    Developing for these devices is somewhat specific because the underlying platform is the Tizen OS. Typically, the basic C# (.NET Core) programming SDK is used, but there are exceptions. However, these details aren't crucial since you can always delegate the project to the experts at Lampa Software and forget about these nuances. The team will independently create an adaptive product that you can monetize profitably.

    You can use the Tizen .NET TV Framework, which supports the APIs of all key devices in the current model range. If you need to cover more technical specifications or platforms, you should opt for cross-platform development and software optimization for other operating systems. Or simply entrust the project implementation to the professionals at Lampa Software and not worry about the complexities of development.

    As usual, through subscriptions, advertising, paid accounts, content sales, or rentals. We recommend combining all available methods and adapting them intelligently for maximum monetization effectiveness. Only in this way will you not only achieve a positive ROI but also generate significant amounts of net income.

    The main difference lies in the Tizen ecosystem installed on many Samsung devices. It uses the C# language and the .NET framework, specifically its special version (in the context of TVs) for TV. This is more of an advantage than a disadvantage because even the basic SDK is sufficient for fully implementing an adaptive interface and supporting all current device control methods.

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