Networking is The Key to Success

  • 5 min
  • Aug 2, 2023

Positioning a company in the IT outsourcing services market is one of the key business needs that drive brand promotion and scaling. International exhibitions, conferences, and similar events are among the best platforms for presenting IT teams.

  • Despite the war, 2022 was a milestone year for Lampa Software in terms of establishing communications with foreign businesses. That's because the team actively participated in major European IT events. However, only via video link due to some circumstances.

The conferences raised various interesting issues, and speakers emphasized the importance of innovation for the IT industry. In addition, quite a lot of attention was paid to cybersecurity, where Ukraine was also prominent. 

Lampa Software specialists have prepared a brief overview of the events of the 2022 IT season and described their impressions of the events in which they actively participated. 

Why It’s Vital to Visit Such Important Events in the World of IT

The modern IT industry has many players (with Ukraine alone having about 5,000 teams and, before the war, over 8,000). The competition is growing every day. In such a rapidly developing segment, it is essential to maintain a brand presence in the informational field, locally and internationally.

Global exhibitions, conferences, and similar events allow even small companies to showcase themselves and position themselves effectively. Attending such events is a vital activity for all types and scales of IT teams, even if participation occurs online.

London’s Events, Where Lampa Software Representatives Were Present

IT industry exhibitions and conferences are held around the world, including in the UK. Recent activity attended by Lampa Software specialists was held in London. 

We offer you a brief overview of the events, expectations from them, and the results of communication with the international IT industry community.

FinTech Connect

This event is a significant occasion in the digital world, held annually in London at the beginning of December. The key theme revolves around financial technologies and everything related to this segment.

  • The conference features top-notch speakers (168 in 2022) from flagship companies like Goldman Sachs, Uber, Booking, and others. In fact, even Alex Bornyakov, the Deputy Minister of Digital Transformation of Ukraine, delivered a comprehensive presentation on the importance of digital transformation at the national level. 

Overall, the event attracted over 2,000 participants from various countries around the globe, including representatives from Lampa Software.

GIANT Health Event

This iconic event aims to unite the efforts of leading IT and healthcare experts to enhance the latter's digital transformation and implement technological innovations.

  • The 2022 event was filled with powerful presentations by representatives from top companies in the market, such as Remedium BIO, RDX, and Bayer. They discussed both transformation trends and challenges for the industry.

Representatives from Lampa Software also participated in the conference, networking and building connections with segment leaders.

IoT Tech Expo

The event brought together such segment representatives as Shell, Philips, and Bosch under one roof. Speakers from these companies made presentations on both information analytics and IoT. 

The conference allowed participants to gain new industry knowledge and discuss key issues related to technological innovations in these niches. The Lampa Software team also took the chance to join the event and prove itself as one of the potential leaders in the segment.

Feedback from our representative

It was really great to participate in: FinTech Connect, GIANT Health Event, and IoT Tech Expo. 

"An opportunity to discuss business processes and strategies of development with one of the most famous market players like Deloitte, J.P.Morgan, KPMG, BSG, Vodafone, and others is incredible, and this experience will surely help our company to develop in the future. 

We are thankful to all the companies and startups who were open to having productive conversations with us, and we hope that these exhibitions helped all of us to find successful partnerships for years.

Lampa Software is always open for new collaborations, and we are going to participate in the exhibitions and conferences in 2023 as well!" – Petro B., Business Development Manager of Lampa Software.

Stockholm's Event (Stockholm Tech Show)

Stockholm's Event (Stockholm Tech Show)

This event covers several segments: AI & Big Data, Cyber Security & Cloud, Cloud, DevOps and Data Center, and Startup-Scaleup. The annual exhibition is held in Stockholm with the participation of top speakers from global brands and even representatives of unicorns.

Lampa Software representatives also attended this event, albeit as visitors, which allowed them to establish contacts with well-known market experts and get acquainted with Nordic IT.

Feedback from our representatives

The Stockholm Tech Show was a great opportunity to dive into the specifics of modern Nordic IT trends, communicate with dozens of company owners and leaders, and once again present Ukraine to the EU as a strong and reliable partner.

"I would like to express my deep appreciation for the profound empathy shown by the residents of Sweden, Norway, and Denmark towards the fate of Ukraine during the war. I thank them for their comprehensive support of our country and, most importantly, their unwavering belief that such support will continue. Special gratitude goes to their faith in our victory." – E. Horobei, CEO of Lampa Software.

"During the war, it is crucial for us to have the opportunity to personally convey to our foreign partners that working with Ukraine is not only possible but also necessary. We extend immense gratitude to the Office of Entrepreneurship and Export Development for providing us with this opportunity. Sweden resembles Ukraine not only in the colors of our flags but also in our mentality. A strong, independent country that brings technology and products to the world. It is a country to aspire to and emulate. Besides establishing connections, the Stockholm Tech Show has gifted us potential partners for developing our business and our nation." – R. Tymoschuk, Co-Founder of Lampa Software.

Participation in exhibitions, conferences, and other events enables the company to establish new contacts, build effective communications, form partnerships, and so on. All this expands the prospects for business development at the local and international levels.

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    Lampa Software engaged with top industry speakers and major companies at events like FinTech Connect and IoT Tech Expo. This engagement facilitated networking, knowledge exchange, and discussions about digital transformation and emerging trends, enhancing Lampa Software's visibility and connections.

    Lampa Software representatives established valuable contacts, showcased Ukraine's potential, and expressed gratitude for foreign support during challenging times at Stockholm Tech Show. The event not only contributed to partnerships but also highlighted shared values and aspirations between countries. These three FAQs and responses encompass the importance of international IT events for Lampa Software, their benefits from participation in key events, and the impact on partnerships and international recognition.

    Participating in international IT events allows Lampa Software to establish a global presence, network with industry leaders, and showcase its expertise. Despite challenges, these events are essential for staying informed and connected in the rapidly evolving tech landscape.

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