Cons and Pros of Working with AI Tools

  • 5 min
  • Nov 10, 2023

It seems that in 2023, discussions about AI and related technologies are not limited to the lazy and conservatives. In fact, almost every week, at least one or two startups with their own AI-based products make their debut in the world.

Overall, the popularity of AI is growing faster than the GDP of some countries. For example, according to Precedence Research forecasts, by 2032, the total value of the artificial intelligence market will reach $2575 billion, which is 5.6 times more than the industry was worth in 2022 ($454 billion).

At Lampa Software, we keep an eye on IT segment trends and actively implement innovations, including AI. However, there are a number of risks associated with the technology that we will discuss with you today.

Pros of Working with AI Tools

First and foremost, let's talk about the advantages, as they attract businesses and encourage them to invest in AI. And it's profitable when considering AI tools in the long run.

Some of the advantages become apparent immediately after the implementation of digital systems into a company's infrastructure, while the rest work for growth, meaning they help save resources. Let's briefly go over the key strengths of AI.

Efficiency and Automation

Every company has a set of processes that experts carry out manually. This can include database management, setting up logistic chains, or document flow.

Each of these tasks requires the allocation of resources and time for execution. This translates into reduced productivity, i.e., profitability. AI frees experts from routine tasks through automation.

Improved Decision Making

You could hire ten business analysts, assign them market analysis and company development planning, and still make mistakes, resulting in financial losses. Or you could integrate AI into data collection and analysis, set desired outcomes, and receive generated recommendations or forecasts.

While making decisions based on AI suggestions might not be the best idea as of 2023, it will soon become a standard practice for businesses, as artificial intelligence learns faster than prodigies.

Cost Savings

In the long term, AI will help reduce costs. For instance, through process automation, staff reduction, or resource reallocation. Or through market trend prediction, which helps a brand prepare and adjust its strategy promptly.

Moreover, AI is gradually becoming the foundation for developing more advanced IT solutions, so its integration can be seen as an investment in the future of a company's digital infrastructure.


Personalization is the number one priority for most companies operating in B2B and B2C models, even without AI. However, with artificial intelligence, it reaches a much higher level.

Just imagine that your tools not only generate personalized offers for customers and send them but also independently analyze user behavior and preferences. Based on this, it makes forecasts, which it considers and adjusts the audience engagement strategy. Powerful, isn't it?

But as of 2023, AI doesn't only bring advantages. This field remains a playground for experiments, some of which can significantly impact a company's reputation and profitability, especially if the technology is used without considering all the nuances.

Cons of Working with AI Tools

There are plenty of drawbacks to artificial intelligence. It's still an early AI model, which is just learning to think, so to speak. And yes, it makes mistakes, the cost of which is quite high for businesses.

Let's briefly go over the key drawbacks of artificial intelligence and assess their impact on a company's operations or, more precisely, potential consequences.

Job Displacement

First and foremost, what science fiction enthusiasts love to write about is the displacement of people by robots in the workplace. And yes, it's entirely possible because AI can automate about 90% of all processes, control them independently, and make corrections.

Fortunately, at this point, artificial intelligence still requires human intervention to adjust algorithms, add sources of learning, and so on. However, its evolution poses a very real threat to future employment models.

Privacy and Security Concerns

AI operates on cloud platforms where it collects, analyzes, and learns from data. At the same time, anyone working with the same artificial intelligence has access to this information. Yes, data is not transmitted in its original form, but other parties can use it for decision-making, automation, and more.

This is a significant drawback because competitive prospects are essentially nullified, and sensitive information can freely migrate among AI platform users.

Bias and Fairness

Considering that AI uses machine learning for training, and not only valid sources of information end up in Data Lakes, artificial intelligence can accumulate harmful data. Perhaps everyone remembers the scandals when ChatGPT expressed racist thoughts. This is a clear example of technology's imperfection.

If you plan to work with it, please analyze the information you receive and review the primary sources. Otherwise, you risk not only reputational losses.

Initial Investment and Learning Curve

Expensive, very expensive, and complex. That's how you can characterize AI in terms of investment. But looking at these investments from a long-term perspective, the situation becomes somewhat clearer and more understandable.

As for the learning curve, technical skills are required to work with artificial intelligence. In other words, regardless of the type of business, you will have to train your staff.

All the mentioned drawbacks diminish over time. But we will help you overcome them much sooner.

Tips for Maximizing the Pros and Mitigating the Cons

At Lampa Software, we are early adopters of innovation. Therefore, we have been working with AI literally from its early days in the market. During this period, we have identified its challenges and learned to use it without risks. We have prepared a series of recommendations for you to quickly and painlessly implement AI into your company and effectively utilize it.

Training and Education

Learn and educate your staff, even if you haven't started working with AI yet. This will help reduce the number of challenges during and after integrating artificial intelligence into your company's toolkit.

Ethical AI Use

Artificial intelligence cannot recognize truth, aggression, or malicious intentions, but we can. Therefore, the only thing needed for effective and risk-free use of AI is information verification and responsibility.

Continuous Monitoring and Improvement

AI evolves daily. That's why you need to update it promptly, connect the latest platform versions, and generally keep an eye on the market. Ultimately, you will be able to use tools based on it more effectively and gain competitive advantages.


AI opens up countless opportunities for businesses, which genuinely improve both a company's operational efficiency and its profitability. The key is to understand the risks and use artificial intelligence responsibly in your work.

At Lampa Software, we have been working with this technology for quite some time, so we understand all its advantages and drawbacks. If you need consultation regarding AI-related matters or its integration into your business tools/systems, we are here to help. Get in touch with a Lampa Software manager and delegate your project.

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    Working with AI tools offers efficiency and automation, improved decision-making through data analysis, cost savings in the long term, and enhanced personalization of services. It can streamline processes, reduce manual tasks, and provide valuable insights for strategic planning.

    AI tools automate manual tasks, such as database management, logistic chains setup, and document flow. This leads to increased efficiency by saving resources and time, allowing experts to focus on more strategic and creative aspects of their work.

    Drawbacks include job displacement due to automation, privacy and security concerns related to data handling, bias and fairness issues in machine learning, and the initial investment and learning curve required for AI implementation. These challenges can impact a company's operations and reputation if not addressed properly.

    Companies can mitigate the cons of AI tools by investing in training and education for their staff, ensuring ethical AI use through information verification and responsibility, and continuously monitoring and improving AI systems. Staying informed, updating platforms, and responsibly using AI contribute to successful integration.

    To maximize benefits and minimize risks, companies should focus on continuous learning and education, prioritize ethical AI use, and stay updated on the latest advancements in AI technology. Responsible and informed use of AI tools ensures a positive impact on operational efficiency and profitability.

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