Dedicated team
We will assemble a team for your project. We will select professionals with relevant technical stack skills and extensive experience working on similar digital products.
Do you need a modern cross-platform app for business? Do you want a universal tool with top features? Order Node.JS development services from Lampa company – take advantage of JavaScript frameworks to implement all the functionality.
As industry experts, we offer you a full range of services, including development case studies. Our development expertise allows you to implement an end-to-end Node.JS solution where all the necessary functionality will be implemented. Our specialists provide a full range of services, regardless of their complexity.
We have implemented more than 100 projects on Node.JS development solutions. Want to convince yourself of our expertise? Take a look at examples of Lampa's Node.JS programmers.
We at Lampa not only create masterpieces but also modernize ready-made IT solutions, turning them into the best digital products on the market.
Build architecture
To deliver UX to your consumers, we use the most sophisticated technology and tools on the market.
Node.JS web application development service from Lampa is a comprehensive approach to each client. Our experts have extensive experience in the IT industry and have completed more than 100 projects for different companies and businesses.
We prefer to work remotely, reducing your costs for logistics and the rental of additional office space and equipment. In order not to reduce the efficiency of cooperation, we use the method of uninterrupted delivery of CI/CD, providing full control and transparency of the project implementation process.
Node.JS web app development services by Lampa company – recognized expert in the market. We create the best IT solutions that help businesses grow and scale.
Node.JS development agency Lampa maximizes the potential of the framework to create unique and productive solutions for browsers: Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari; OS: Windows, Linux, macOS; mobile systems: iOS, Android, HarmonyOS, TizenOS, Oxygen, MIUI, OneUI. Our Node.JS specialists will implement for you a Node.JS project of any complexity with top-notch UX in a reasonable time.
Lampa is a recognized expert in developing digital solutions based on Node.JS. With our help, you will get the best IT product on the market and will be able to compete even with the most famous brands.
We know what you are interested in. That's why our support specialists have prepared answers to the most common questions.
Since Node.JS is now at the top of the used frameworks, probably many. But given the specifics of working with this technology, it is still better to delegate the project to experts. For example, us, Lampa.
This framework is one of the best on the market in terms of scalability and query speed. Consumers will be comfortable using your software, and as a result, they will provide you with native advertising and customer traffic.
As many as required by the scale of the project. If the task is of medium complexity, and the deadline is not too tight, only 2-3 experts in development are enough. Otherwise, the team includes a designer, a project manager, and QA.
The price can vary depending on the complexity of the project. The median cost ranges from $15,000 to $60,000. This is an approximate calculation for developing a store with mobile app versions on iOS and Android.
Yes, if it is developed and released by Lampa. Support of digital solutions created by third-party developers is provided by our specialists at the rate indicated on the site. This applies to all types of software.
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